Sunday, October 14, 2007

Saturday afternoon well spent

lined up the rotary valve, took a while since the crank had the crank shaft collar and I could not see the locator pin. uhhh removed the collar and everything made sense

dropped in the O-Ring, not using the oil injection but just felt good doing it

lined up the dots on the drive pinion and put on the Carb Gasket - this is one of those "Mystery Parts" the repair manual says to install - the parts book does not show it of the six engines on my shelf only two had the gasket

lined up the dots on the drive pinion and put on the Carb Gasket - this is one of those "Mystery Parts" the repair manual says to install - the parts book does not show it of the six engines on my shelf only two had the gasket
putting the clutch set plate on How tight should you go with the 6 hex bolts?? I brought them half way down
there she sits, all dots lined up and I need to go and get a cup of coffee and check on the kids

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