Monday, November 06, 2006

getting my hands dirty

this will be a little long but hopefully good reading

Decided to pull the engine today
rolled the SS up on to the stand and dug in

when I picked up the bike a few weeks back I poured marvel mystery oil
in the spark plug holes to try and break it free, didn't work

Drained the tranny fluid, nice shape for 20+ year old oil

found one issue the upper left mounting bracket (engine to frame had
broken the weld
bottom came out fine and did the four up front

engine is now on My work bench

was going to call it a day but pulled the heads
right cylinder the chrome was flakey and on the piston in a grit

is there a trick to removing a stuck cylinder?

currently have the engine minus all covers on the Bench she sure is
pretty on the inside

the bike is a TA1 BS200 SS/MII is this a 1968 bike??

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