Saturday, January 30, 2010


Negative 5 degrees in the garage, doesn't look like I will be working this weekend at all
ordered the interior kit from TRF to go with my carpet set
seats supplies will be on sale in two weeks!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

MGB Update
Did a little seam welding, seam sealing but could not prime/paint because it was too dam cold.
Heater helped, drawing a spark helped too but the space was way too cold and the primer/paint was like way to thick to spread unless I planed on using a putty knife
need to have road ready for spring!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

thats electric

Wow, I just watched the “Who killed the Electric Car” movie with my wife (Mrs “Green”) and I was quite surprised as a confirmed Refined Hydrocarbon Recycler. why are we bailing out GM and not big oil picking up the tab? Chevron bought the rights the patent for Plug in Electric Vehicles to keep the technology at bay (take out the competition) and we have our troops in the far east to protect their interests.
funny thing is in 2005 when I took the LEED exam on of the building computations was the ratio of plug in bays to occupants of the building, but is oddly missing from the current exam requirements.
Don’t worry I won’t be importing a G-Wiz from the UK and my Birkenstocks are put away for the winter

Don't even get me started on Wall Mart